Want to keep your freezer stocked with beef?
We've got what you need! At Chapman 3C Cattle Company we offer half and whole cuts of beef. But you might be thinking, "well what does that mean?" And we're going to explain it to you!
When you order a "half beef" or "whole beef" that means, you are essentially purchasing a whole steer or half of a steer. For all of our halves and wholes, we require you to put down a deposit to secure your half or whole purchase before the processing date.
Once you pay the deposit amount, we will then send you what we call a "cut sheet". This is where you have so many opportunities as the customer. You can decide how your half or whole is cut and what cuts of beef will go into your freezer. Here is an example of our cut sheet:
We understand that looking at one of these sheets can be confusing, and we're here to help! If you have any questions on the cuts, what we recommend, or how we ensure the processors cut your beef to perfection, don't hesitate to reach out to us.
Once we load the steers and deliver them to the processor we also turn in the cut sheets. We discuss with the processor how each steer should be cut and how the customers want their half or whole. The final price you pay will be determined on how much the hanging carcass weighs. For an example on pricing, click here.
After the meat has been aged and cut, we then pick up all of the beef. Upon purchasing the halves or wholes, you can decide whether you want the beef hand delivered or shipped to your doorstep. You will pay the final price and subtract your deposit from that amount!
If you have any questions about our beef and our halves and wholes, we are more than happy to walk you through the process and explain to you how to order!
We go through the process step by step with our customers to make sure their experience is easy and painless.
As always, thank you for supporting your local rancher. EAT BEEF!